Peterson Metra Project

Community-engaged Placemaking to Highlight Safer Pedestrian and Cyclist Routes

Working with the local ward office and neighborhood groups, we are in the beginning stages of developing a community placemaking project at the future site of a new Metra station at Peterson and Ridge on the north side of Chicago. The current condition offers opportunities to improve the pedestrian and cyclist experience. We are focusing on opportunities for community-generated public art to amplify the quality of the pedestrian experience, highlight local history and current attractions, and foster greater communication among community members.

At this stage we are investigating existing conditions and reaching out to residents and groups who are interested in making the area more safe and welcoming for bikers and walkers. If you are interested in working with us, please email us at

As part of our efforts to develop this placemaking project to highlight safe routes for cyclists and pedestrians, Good City Group was awarded the Community Change Grant in 2022. We are grateful to America Walks and GM, who sponsored the grant, for this opportunity.


Walk with the Good City Group on July 23


Good City Group at the Alliance Française